
Noun: unicorn 'yooni'korn An imaginary creature represented as a white horse with a long horn growing from its forehead. Though the popular image of the unicorn is that of a white horse differing only in the horn, the traditional unicorn has a billy-goat beard, a lion's tail, and cloven hoofs, which distinguish him from a horse. Interestingly, these modifications make the horned ungulate more realistic, since only cloven-hoofed animals have horns.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Shall we tell the President?

The second novel I read which was penned down by Geoffrey Archer. A short but taut thriller about a conspiracy by a senator to kill the President of the United states. We have the usual happy ending in the end with the President safe because of the dedication of an FBI agent. The novel was a little over 200 pages and it was quite a treat to read. I couldn't put it down. The workings of the FBI and the President's Secret service was described in great detail. I always wondered why many TV series and movies showed the FBI agents showing their badge with the left hand ... This book answered that question. It had a lot of information and attention to detail. The previous work I read of Geoffrey Archer was "A matter of honor". Though this book pales in comparison with that nevertheless each of these books is great in their own right - One was about Her Majesty's secret service while the other was about the FBI.

Dagdusheth Halwai Ganesh

When I first came to Pune for the interview I was astonished by the beautiful lamination of Lord Ganesh adorning the wall in my brother's house. I asked my s-i-l about it and she said that it was the Dagdusheth Halwai Ganesh. It was completely different from the normal Ganesh that I was used to seeing. I wanted to pay a visit to that temple immediately. The visit kept postponing from one weekend to the next.

It has been 3 months now. Finally I was able to pay the Lord a visit yesterday night. Yesterday being Gudi Padwa ("Ugaadi" for us) the temple was thronging with people who wanted to pay homage to the Lord of good times. The temple itself is tucked away in the middle of one of Pune's busiest markets near Laxmi road. We had to park the car at Shanivarwada fort due to the dearth of parking space near the temple. All this strain and stress vanished once inside. I have never seen a better Ganesh temple neither have I ever seen the Lord better adorned. This Ganesh was different. His temple (fit enough to be called a palace) was lavish, large and grand. The ornaments were shining bright in the arclights. The pomp and splendor of the temple increased because of the devotees who chanted the "aarthi" along with the usual accompanying musical instruments like drums and cymbals. I was really fortunate to be there at the aarthi time that lasted nearly 30 minutes. It was one of the joyous 30 minutes of my life! The visit was memorable indeed.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My best posts revisited

I have completed 100 posts on my blog this week and I thought I should actually go back and read some of the older posts to commomerate the occassion. Going through the old posts I got this idea of listing my best (What I thought in my opinion to be the best posts) posts in one single post. The result is this post that lists all of the special ones. They are lsited chronologically and do not necessarily reflect my rating. All the posts are equally good for me.
1. D
11. "WMD"

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Wrestling with the pillow ...

Q. Do you know what Sandy's favorite sport is?
A. "Pillow-wrestling" (as is evident from this photograph, he enjoys it quite alot)

Smiling for the camera ...

Sandy and me, smiling for the camera ...

Iam hungry ...

Sandy, sucking his thumb, indicating that he was hungry ...

Awestruck ...

Sandy, looking awestruck at the camera ...

Monday, March 20, 2006

On top of the hill at Chatushringi

The last time I went up that hill I forgot to take my camera along. This time I made sure that I take it along when I visited Chatushringi. The view from the top was breath taking as is evident from this photograph.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Back in gym ...

Its been 3 months since I set foot in a gym. In the few months that I have been away from those workouts I gained a few inches across the abdomen. My office has a gym which is spacious and airy unlike the gym I used to frequent in Hyderabad. The equipment is nice. Above all the coach in the gym was nice. I can also listen to my favorite channel "Radio mirchi" while working out. The best thing about this gym - A heavy punching bag with felt covering. I thought I have to just hang my boxing gloves up in the apartment (due to lack of adequate space to install the heavy sand bag) but it seems I will be getting them off the hook from Monday!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Cricket-loyalty tests ...

Does an immigrant cheer for his home country or his adopted country when they are pitted against each other on the field? Hard to say ... When you have made a country your home and you are earning your living there is there anything wrong in cheering for that country? After all you have immigrated to that nation in search of better opportunities which weren't exactly available in your own! You have made the nation your home. You are eating its produce. Just like you expect the citizens of your adopted nation to treat you right the citizens too expect the same kind of loyalty towards the country from you. You have become an expatriate. Your adopted country is no longer your second home. It becomes your "home". Your kids will be born and brought up there. Then what is the problem in cheering for that team? I don't exactly recommend cricket loyalty tests being conducted but what I do say is that there is nothing wrong in expecting that immigrants (Who later on became citizens) to be absolutely loyal to their adopted country! I think that brings to the fore certain other questions ... I used to have this classmate in school who used to cheer for Pakistan (For God's sake this is unreasonable). What would happen if somebody held cricket loyalty tests in India? How many I wonder would pass the test in Hyderabad (the proper one minus the Andhra suburbs) - By passing I mean voting in favor of India when we are pitted against Pakistan?

Which one to buy??

I have been using my cousin's Fiero F2 after coming to Pune and have been riding around on it quite alot. It is a good clean bike (The type that my Dad would want to ride) which offers the good fuel efficiency, ease of riding and lots of stability. The 150 cc engine tag is only for the namesake. The bike does not have the punch of a 150 cc CBz or a Pulsar 150. For that matter it is a tad better than the LML 150 NV that I am used to driving around in my home town!

Now comes the million dollar question ... Which one should I buy? If my parents and family have their way I will end up with a Splendor or Victor. I asked the opinion of cousin about buying the F2 and he gave a thumbs down (He was one of the first persons to own that bike when it got launched in Hyderabad). So that is ruled out.

I have zeroed in on 3 options:
1. The Royal Bullet Thunderbird from the Enfield motors flexing its muscles at 350cc
2. Hero honda Karizma at 223 cc
3. LML Graptor 150 cc

Mileage is not a constraint for the moment. Performance take the front seat and looks matter the most. Added to that every second bike that I see parked in the parking lot seems to be a Pulsar 150 DTS-i and every third one seems to be a CBZ. So I dont want to go for them. I have done enough research on Karizma and Thunderbird and both of them costequally heavy on my purse. The Graptor scores a perfect 10 in my mind when it comes to looks and also is economical interms of both the mileage and price tag!

My point in posing this million $ question is - I can get to test ride a Thunderbird or a Karizma in the show rooms around Pune ... But where will I get a Graptor? The LML website seems to be dead and there are not many Graptors that I have seen in Pune! :(

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Celebrating with my manager

We had a team dinner with our manager last month at Green Park Hotel, Baner road, Pune.

The one popping open the champagne bottle is our Boss ...

Monday, March 06, 2006


I saw an ad in the local news paper today about the screening of "Troy", as a part of the current Oscar fever that seems to have gripped the city's multiplexes. I couldn't help but recall the movie and how it had disappointed me bitterly!

1992:As a part of the English we were supposed to study this text book titled "Trojan war" which was a translation from Homer's "Illiad". At that point of time the war epic captured my imagination. Especially Ulysses and Achilles were my heroes. I hated Hector. Even in those childhood days (I was studying 6th then) I thought the book was classic movie material. I had already watched Ben-Hur and Ten Commandments by then.

Cut to the present:When I heard that they were making a movie out of that epic I was ecstatic. I thought I would see my favorite characters from the book spring to life ala "The Lord of the Rings". I heard Brad Pitt was playing Achilles.

After seeing the movie a year ago:I was disappointed that the story was twisted to suit the image of hollywood star Brad Pitt. He is the only bankable star in the movie apart from the very sweet looking "The Hulk" Eric Bana. So naturally everything seems to go Achilles' way. The movie is all about Achilles and his herioc deeds! They should have named it "Achilles" instead of Troy!

Illiad has many other parts to it. As to why Helen eloped with Paris in the first place ... It was all attributed to be the work of Gods (Cupid and Venus). This was a war when Gods took sides. No wonder that it continued for 10 long years.

The way the story was projected and the actual storyline are different: (Watch the movie and read the following points from the actual story)
1. Achilles wasnt the first person to land on the beaches of Troy as shown. Infact there was a curse that who ever sets foot on the beach first will be srtuck down immediately. None of the thousands of Greeks wanted to be the first one to die. So All their ships were anchored until a brave soldier by the name of Petrocles volunteered and he was immediately struck down by Hector!
2. Achilles didn't live until the end of the war but was assasinated by Paris during the final day of the funeral games which follow Hector's funeral ceremony.
3. Achilles wasn't one of the guys inside the belly of the Trojan horse because he was long dead before that.
4. Ajax (The large warlord who weilds the huge sledgehammer) didn't die while fighting with Hector on the battlefield. Instead he actually committed suicide by hanging himself. He was frustrated when he wasn't given Achilles' armour after the latters death in the funeral games. The council chose Ulysses on whom the honour was bestowed upon.
5. Achilles was shown as a mercenary but in reality he was a prince.
6. Achilles was shown to carry scars of war on his body. What the director forgot was that Achilles is invincible to any known weapon as he was dipped in river Styx at the time of his birth by his mother (She was a goddess). His only vulnerable spot ofcourse his heel which wasn't washed in Styx's water because his mother held him by the right heel while dipping him in.
7. Agamemnon too made sacrifices for this war. Some of the gods who favored Trojans stopped all the favorable winds when the Greeks set sail. So they had to wait in the middle of the sea with no fresh supplies for days together! Then a priest was consulted who said that the sacrifice of Agamemnon's daughter at the altar of Apollo would please the Gods. Though reluctant Agamemnon did sacrifice his daughter. The moment the sword struck her neck it was converted to a garland and she from then on she turned into a priestess at the temple of Apollo.
8. Paris died in the war. He didnot live long enough until the climax so as to keep the sword of Troy.
9. Once Paris died, the magic spell of Cupid and Venus binding Paris and Helen together broke. She longed to return to Menelaus. She did return to Greek camp along with Ulysses when he came into the temple of Athena (inside Troy) to steal the statue of Athena (The statue was a good luck charm to the Trojans - If it is gone, They believed that defeat is imminent).
10. Menelaus didn't die on the first day of the battle like they have shown.
11. Brysais didn't kill Agamemnon.
12. Paris was a very good Archer but a poor swordsman. Paris didn't grow up in the palace. Rather he grew up as a shepherd in the hills because his presence in Troy was supposed to bring it badluck!
If anyone wants to know more you can always drop in comments.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sandy in my kitchen

Sandy in McDonald's

See how Sandy is trying to reach the big McVeggie at McDonald's ...


Meggy ... and her toys


Sandy ...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

"The inscrutable Americans"

How this Anurag Mathur got this idea about writing this wonderful book called "The Inscrutable Americans" I am not knowing! The book is humorous in its own way. America - the land of dreams for many. Hollywood star Arnold also once telling me that America is also a land of opportunity. The opportunity to "score". But sadly some how the protagonist of the story "Gopal" always is seeming to have a problem with girls in America. Every time he is trying to make it, one problem or other coming. Even the Gods are seeming to be against it! He is always remembering his "Respected" parents and his "God-praise singing" grand mother always. But he studies well. His observations of Americans and their habits and calling those habits as conspiracies against foreigners is very very hilarious! The Inscrutable Americans is a take on the Americans and their habits and also Indians and their habits also. Gopal was very much surprised to see many contraptions in America as the Americans are surprised that India is no longer poor. This fellow goes from a small town in central India to America to study. Before going he is trying to know all about America from Playboy and Penthouse letters. But sad to fins that it is not at all true. Poor Gopal. I was very much relieved when Gopal lost his cherry high up in the air traveling in a plane 30000 feet above the air. If you are having free time and not knowing what to do this weekend you can read this book. If by now any of you who are feeling about what is happening to my English grammar and language it is all because of "Gopal".

Weekend woes

Been sick all through the weekend. Woke up sick on Monday morning. Applied for my first sick leave this Monday. Returned to the office on Tuesday only to fall very sick in the evening and again apply for another sick leave on Wednesday. Came back to the office today to see a pile of work to do. Time to roll up the sleeves and clear it up! Time to start cutting that extra weight across the abdomen. This sickness has proved to be a valuable lesson