
Noun: unicorn 'yooni'korn An imaginary creature represented as a white horse with a long horn growing from its forehead. Though the popular image of the unicorn is that of a white horse differing only in the horn, the traditional unicorn has a billy-goat beard, a lion's tail, and cloven hoofs, which distinguish him from a horse. Interestingly, these modifications make the horned ungulate more realistic, since only cloven-hoofed animals have horns.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Learning from kids

I learnt a lot of new things about kids in the last two months. Playing with Sandy and Meggy (my niece, Sandy's elder sis) taught me some things which I would never have come to know of if I hadn't met them. They all look simple but were eye-openers.

I never knew that babies when they drink milk through the bottle tend to sleep off in the middle of the feeding session and totally forget to suck in - in which we need to change the position of the bottle to remind them that the bottle is still in their mouth! I never knew that an 8 month old baby can recognize their name (When I call out his name Sandy turns his head in my direction no matter what he is doing). I never knew that sibling rivalry could be so keen that the eldest would totally refuse sharing the toys with the younger one! I never thought that the elder sibling would start mimicking the younger one's actions to attract the attention of the parents In case he/she feels that the other sibling is getting all their attention! I also observed that crying loudly is the only way that babies can express their hunger. Sandy keeps playing in my lap and suddenly - Boom! He starts crying out loud and one look at the clock and you realize that it is feeding time! I have also observed that Sandy doesn't recognize himself in the mirror! I also came to know that babies don't rest their heads on pillows while sleeping! The most interesting observation was that babies always try to swallow things however large they might be!

I enjoy it the most when he sleeps on my shoulder holding tightly on to me or when flashes that infectious smile of his that spreads happiness around or when he starts inspecting my ears, nose and moustache or when he squeals in delight when I hold him high above me up in the air! Living with them (the kids) was one of my most enriching experiences in life ...


At 3/06/2006 11:36:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

one of the cutest pic i've seen yaar. he is really cute.


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