The Street Lawyer -The book that took me a very long time to complete....I started it december last year when i went to visit Skandu at hisNallakunta residence. I started reading the book at his house. I reada few chapters while I was there. After Skandu left for the US, I hadto wait for almost one full year until I could lay my hands on a copyof the book this october. So it was the book that took me a long timeto complete. (dec-25th, 2003 to 2004). I remembered about it in the morning while I was brusing my teeth and thought it would make a good blog ...
I have never read John Grisham before. But I was pleasantly surprisedto find the same attention holding style of writing with this writertoo. I recommend that you find some time to read the book.The story goes thus:A middle aged lawyer, Michael Brock is on a fast track to become apartner in a big lawfirm. Then he is taken hostage by a guy who losthis home as a consequence of some actions made by this law firm. Inthe hostage drama that ensues, the hostage taker is shot by the policeand his brains are splattered all over the face of our hero...He is shattered. He goes on a journey to find the origins of thehostage taker. He finds out who he is and what made him do the thing.He finds that alot of people in the city are homeless and that thehomeless also need lawyers to fight for their rights. He meets a guycalled Mordecai Greene who is a street lawyer. Michael walks away from the millions and joins Greene in saving the homeless. He pitches in a case against his old employer, the big lawfirm.
The tale is told in a gripping fashion and it is told so well that you don't realise that it is just a story of 32 days in the hero's life!!! He gets taken as a hostage, quits his job, gets a divorce from hiswife, slaps a case against a big law firm, helps 39 homeless peopleand finally finds a new girl friend - all in just 32 days. Read it to believe it. It tells a compelling story. Some of us mightthink that the hero is nuts because he walks away from millions of dollars... but hey, materialism is not the be all and end all of life. Makes a Good reading.